6 years ago

CSA pickup at Lunds & Byerlys stores

Once again we’ve partnered with a local farm to make your CSA pickup even easier! Starting in May, you can pick up CSA boxes at any Twin Cities Lunds & Byerlys location.

CSA, or Community Supported Agriculture, is a popular way for city residents to buy high quality seasonal produce directly from local farmers. In order to participate, you simply sign up for a “share” of the produce – typically a box of vegetables that is delivered on a regular basis – every week, month, or whatever terms you agree to when you sign up. Joining a CSA is a great way to eat fresh, local food and to sample vegetables that you may not have tried before.

Harmony Valley Farm is located in southwest Wisconsin. With over 40 years of organic farming experience, Harmony Valley Farm has built the confidence and skill needed to grow a wide variety of crops over a long delivery season from May through December. Each week’s delivery comes with an informative email to help you best utilize your shares, including recipes, cooking suggestions, tips and storage information from our own Chef Andrea. Each week you’ll receive clean, nutritious, tasty produce that has been properly cooled and conveniently
delivered to a Lunds & Byerlys store of your choosing.

Our CSA is a seasonal eating adventure that also offers you a direct connection with the source of your food. While we connect with our members through our weekly emails, we also encourage members to come and visit the farm so you can see for yourself where your food is grown and meet the people who grow it! We are proud of our hard-working and respected professional farm crew that is paid a fair and living wage. We also enjoy sharing the natural beauty of our farm and valley. As stewards of the environment, we take great care to care for our fields, but also invest resources to provide pollinator-friendly habitat to foster bio-diversity.

Visit harmonyvalleyfarm.com for more information and look for the Lunds & Byerlys Sign Up Form!


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