10 years ago

It seems like everyone is talking about coconut oil lately.

This tropical oil got a bit of a bad rap in the 80s and 90s because it’s high in saturated fat, but it turns out that the saturated fats in coconut oil come from something called lauric acid, which your body can actually use instead of just storing as fat. In fact, coconut oil can boost energy levels, raise good cholesterol and balance out blood sugar.

Many people cook with coconut oil because it remains stable up to very high temperatures, but we’ve discovered a few other, unexpected uses for coconut oil:

  • Natural sunscreen (SPF 2-8)
  • Eye makeup remover
  • Athlete’s foot remedy
  • Acne remedy
  • Facial cleanser
  • Moisturizer
  • Hair conditioner
  • Removes gum from hair
  • Improves tooth and gum health when swished in your mouth for 20 minutes and spit out (oil pulling)
  • Can provide an energy boost when taken as a daily supplement

…And this is just a handful of the ideas we’ve heard of. Pick up a jar of coconut oil at Lunds and Byerly’s stores and try it for yourself.

Want to learn more? Check out this great article from the New York Times.


Living Pretty Naturally


Sun Warrior

Wellness Mama

Apartment Therapy

New York Times