8 years ago

Fun Floral Mums for Fall

Mums reign
as the flower of fall. Delight in the rich autumn colors inside your home by
adorning your interiors with floral mums. Enjoy the radiant, long-lasting
beauty they bring to your home, share them with family and friends or give as a
hostess gift.

grows over 20 varieties of floral mums at our greenhouses in Farmington,
Minnesota. Brighten up your space with mums in a wide range of autumn hues,
including bronze, red, purple, yellow, orange and white.

Care Tips

It’s best to
keep your floral mums indoors as they are not well-suited for the outdoors.
Even though floral mums are not considered hardy, they are incredibly easy to
care for. Follow these helpful tips, they should provide long-lasting blooms
for weeks:

  • Place in bright, indirect light.
  • Water when dry to the touch. Be careful to avoid
  • Remove spent blooms to encourage flowers to

Try This

Mums look
great on their own, but pair nicely with other complementary plants as well.
Try adding floral mums among indoor plants such as croton or ornamental peppers.
The rich color of the mums really brings out their striking color. You can also
use mums to spruce up your existing house plants and add fall flair to your